Happy Earth Day 2020 - 50th Anniversary
Submitted by Bond & Devick Wealth Partners on April 22nd, 2020Happy 50th Earth Day! Below are links to the history of Earth Day, to what you can do as an individual to make a difference, what businesses have done to help, and some digital events taking place since actual events have been canceled due to Covid-19.
“It’s been 50 years since the first Earth Day in 1970, when 10 million people took to the streets for a national teach-in on the environment. At the time, questions were mounting about the lead fumes puffing out of tailpipes, the Cleveland river soaked in industrial waste that had caught on fire the year prior, and the thousands of dead, oil-soaked birds that had washed up on the beaches of Santa Barbara in the largest oil spill in American history. That April, 10% of the U.S. population came together to voice their outrage and “demand a new way forward for the planet.” By the end of the year, the Environmental Protection Agency had been founded, ushering in an era of groundbreaking clean-air, water and endangered-species regulation that would reshape corporate America’s relationship with nature, providing a cornerstone for modern environmental policy.” - Corporate Knights
Earth Day 2020 – 50th Year Anniversary History:
What You Can Do:
Digital Events:
Top Businesses that Helped the Planet: