Sustainable, Responsible and Impact Investing
Bond&Devick has been helping clients with SRI (Sustainable, Responsible and Impact) investing for decades. Green Investing has become "popular" in recent year and while we appreciate the visibility, we have been diving deep for more than 25 years which makes our firm a leader for SRI Investing in the Minneapolis - St. Paul area.
We believe investing in a sustainable and responsible manner makes sense from a financial point of view. Many of our clients are interested in aligning their values with their investments, but hesitate because they believe in doing so they need to accept lower returns. We feel the impact of sustainability factors when choosing an investment can help us potentially increase financial performance by focusing on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues.
Using Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) non-financial factors in creating portfolios: the rise of the use of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors in investment research has caused a great deal of confusion to many investors. In the end, it really isn’t all that complicated – click here to read more.
To talk about how using ESG non-financial factors in the investment process could help improve your investment outcomes, please feel welcome to contact either RJ ( or Rob ( Or to make an appointment with either RJ or Rob, please contact Chris Gaffron at to set up a time.
Sustainable Purchases and More with RJ Devick and Bailey Johnson
Description: In this 30 minute podcast RJ Devick sits down with Bailey Johnson, Event and Marketing Manager at Impact Hub MSP. They talked about how to make a difference with everyday purchases as well as broader topics around sustainability. They also discussed Social Impact Week and the Gifts for Good virtual marketplace on Dec 9, 2022.
A few of the companies mentioned were The Tare Market, Peace Coffee, and Who Gives a Crap.
Shareholder Advocacy with RJ Devick and Emily Lee, IMPAX (40 min)
Description: In light of the ongoing threat of climate change, it is important to invest in companies that are working to combat the ongoing concerns. RJ Devick, Partner and Financial Advisor talked with Emily Lee, VP Business Development with IMPAX Asset Management to discuss shareholder advocacy in a company effort to combat these climate crises. IMPAX is an asset management firm that works to invest in companies with net-zero emission goals and engage with companies on how to shift towards more sustainable steps.
"Protecting Individual Rights" with RJ Devick and Jana Kooren, ACLU (40 min)
Description: RJ sat down with Jana Kooren, Community Engagement Director, of the ACLU of MN. The ACLU was founded 100 years ago and works in the courts, legislatures and communities to defend and preserve individual rights and liberties guaranteed in the US Constitution. RJ and Teresa are supporters of the ACLU of MN as the group has been a leading advocate in the state to protect the rights of refugees and immigrants.
Description: RJ Devick, Partner of Bond&Devick Wealth Partners and David Reiling, President and CEO of Sunrise Bank discuss the importance of Balancing Profit and Purpose. How these 2 like-minded, Certified BCorps companies based in Minneapolis-St. Paul are effecting positive change by using business as a force for good.
B&D Value's Based Investing - how we align client's values with their investments - RJ Devick and Rob Caverly (5 min)
B&D's History of Values Based Investing with RJ Devick and Kristine Bisanz
History of Value's Based Investing with Bond&Devick - RJ Devick and Kristine Bisanz (9 min)
New! Click here for December 2022 Sustainable Purchases and More
Click here for October 2022 Update: Sustainability Trends 2022 and Beyond
Public Benefit Corporations 101 An article explaining how business and social responsibility can coexistClick here for an article "Why Is Corporate Social Responsibility Important?"